Can your family boost your wellness at work?

Family sitting in front of the tv

Family walking together

By Sam Makhoul

I know what you’re thinking: how can my family possibly boost my wellness at work? They don’t work with me.

They don’t know the first thing about my job. How can they help me be more productive, enthusiastic, engaging and energetic at work?

The truth is, they can. When you are successful with your family first, their support, love and energy help you become a happier person and this becomes reflected in the work you do.

In the 70s and 80s, business people like you and I could neglect our family and still succeed at work. It came at a price, but we could do it.

However, in the 21st Century, the new entrepreneurs are more successful with their family first and ironically these same people outperform everyone else in their work life. Here are four tips I would like to share with you when it comes to family and boosting your wellness at work:

  1. Never Put Work Ahead Of Your Family – Especially Your Children:

This reminds me of a friend of mine who confided in me because he was very upset that his daughter was moving out of the home. He told me that she was going to university, she was moving into an apartment with some friends and she was really excited about it.

I told him “you should be very happy for her; it’s an exciting time in her life, think back to when you were starting uni?” He said, “yeah, I know, but when she loaded up the suitcase in the back of her car, I just felt that she wasn’t just excited about going to her new apartment, she was more thrilled to be leaving our soul-less home.”

My friend was heartbroken because he had no bond with his daughter to keep her coming back – they had no connection. Her permanent impression of him was the father who never arrived home in time to read her a story or tuck her into bed, or was too busy to go bike riding with her.

He is a very successful person with lots of money in the bank. But let me tell you, he would give it back just to have that connection with his daughter. Money can’t buy that!

Which leads me to the next tip:

  1. Give Family Your Time – Not Just Your Money:

Going shopping or watching TV does not count as quality time. Talking and really listening, is how you develop a bond.

If you have kids, have one-on-one time with each child. Spending one-on-one time with each of your kids lets them know you value them as a person and builds a bond.

If my friend had been spending quality time with his daughter over the years, do you think his daughter would have been more likely to come back and visit him? I spend Saturday afternoons with my daughter: it’s daddy-daughter time.

Do you think that when she’s older she’s not going to remember, Saturday afternoon: daddy-daughter time? It’s wired in her: I need to see my father.

Family sitting in front of the tv

  1. Turn Off The TV:

One thing we do in our family, instead of turning on the TV on a Sunday night and watching a movie, is we take turns to stand up in front of each other, in the lounge room and talk about something that happened to us during the week or something we are excited about that’s coming up. It’s a chance for each of our kids to stand up, boost their confidence and engage.

  1. Turn Off Your Phone When You Get Home:

A lot of people in sales fall into this trap. They feel that they must be on call 24/7. They don’t want to miss a call.

But customers do not expect that. They expect to deal with someone real. A sincere voicemail fixes that! Something along the lines of:

“You’ve called, Sam Makhoul. If my phone is off, it means I am spending time with my family or serving another customer. But rest assured when I do get your message I will call you back and give you my upmost attention.”

I guarantee that the person will leave a message because they will see that this person is real and he cares for his family, and they will respect that.

How To Love Your Life

Three girls in a sunflower field

Three girls standing and smiling in a sunflower field

By Sam Makhoul

I’ve been asked time and time again, what are some of the practical things people can employ to be happier and more successful on a day-to-day basis? To begin with, focussing on the below eight areas will provide you with an excellent foundation for personal and professional success. 

Here’s how:

1. Health:

Cherish your body. Nothing else matters more. Focus on the energy you have. Eat well, exercise and relax daily. Fill your daily life with purposeful activities that give your body a reason to manifest energy.

2. Love:

Love yourself by looking after your health and guarding your mind against negative images, negative thinking and negative associations. Look your best by wearing clothes that make you feel attractive. Have the courage to show and give love to your life partner, whether or not they give it back. Tell your partner daily what you love about them – these words are powerful. Work just as much on your love life as you do on your work.

Family cuddling

3. Family

Support your family at all times. Give them the confidence to pursue their goals and dreams. Help them overcome obstacles. Focus on their strengths and good qualities. Remind them daily of their worth. Tell them you love them no matter what happens – whether they succeed or fail at anything. Spend time developing a relationship with all family members.

4. Work:

Choose to love your work. Always do your best. Focus on the difference that your product or service is making to society. Have empathy for your customers. Value the privilege of serving them from the heart. Be grateful that you live in a society where there is the opportunity to work. At all times be honest in the execution of your work. Master your job by constantly learning and evolving. Always ask yourself, “can I do this job better?” Be impeccable in your conduct at work. Be fearless in your execution.

5. Friendship:

Let your words, laughter and charm bring a smile to others. Help your friends see the lighter side of life and not take themselves too seriously. Act with integrity and hold true to your standards and beliefs. Never compromise them to be popular. Never pre-judge others. Be open to new friendships. Always greet people with a smile and a friendly hello. How others respond is their own reality and has nothing to do with you.

Man reading a book and drinking coffee

6. Learning

Commit to 45 minutes of learning daily about every aspect of your life and not just your work and wealth. Limit watching TV and other popular media. Watch uplifting talks by great thinkers on TED.com. Read books from pioneering minds. Attend courses and seminars organised by people who care and have something unique to share. Listen twice as much you talk. Discover your talents by having self-awareness for your thoughts and feelings. Live a conscious life where you decide what you want to listen to, read and watch. Develop a growth mindset.

7. Wealth

Invest in yourself first before you invest your money. If you have a business invest in your own field of dreams first before investing with others on the stock market. Live a frugal lifestyle and reduce your dependence on money. Spend less, save more. Say no to consumerism and your addiction to buying more and more things that end up collecting dust or in the landfill. Spend money on experiences. But don’t skimp on things that improve your life like better quality food or better quality education for you and your children.

8. Charity:

Learn about the plight of others in need. Don’t shut yourself out to other people’s suffering. Help others by giving your time and/or money. Charity does not have to be grand. A simple kind word of support is sometimes all that someone needs. Help a team member at work.  Share an idea that can help a friend live a better life or simply listen to them without distraction.

7 Fearless Qualities We Can Learn From Kids

Four children standing in gumboots

Family wearing gumboots in the rain

By Sam Makhoul

Kids see the world through different eyes. Eyes that do not (or prefer not to) perceive limitation or fear.

Kids tackle life with a sense of curiosity, imagination and fun. Here are seven pretty cool things you can learn from kids that will help you live outside the square and get noticed at work (in a good way):

1. Kids Have No Limits:

They think BIG. Progress is only ever made when you challenge the limits. So go ahead and ask “what if we do this?” at the next meeting.

2. Kids Are Fearless:

Little boy showing off his biceps

Get a bunch of kids in a group and ask them for ideas on anything and they will go nuts. Their eyes light up with enthusiasm and they get animated. Compare that with adults who sit there deliberating on everything they say for fear of sounding stupid.

3. Kids Like To Have Fun:

Otherwise, they start to yawn and get tired. Their energy does not go to waste. It is expended completely. Having fun does not mean frivolous fun at the expense of getting stuff done. Get creative about what you do. Ask yourself, “what can I do differently to grab people’s attention?”

4. Adults Ask “Why?” Kids Ask “Why Not!”

They don’t take no for an answer. If kids are enthusiastic about an idea, it’s hard to dissuade them.

5. Kids Don’t Hold Back:

If they don’t like something they will let you know. So speak truthfully at work. Say what’s on your mind. Do not agree with ideas just to be popular. Pull someone up who is doing the wrong thing.

6. Kids Get Over It Pretty Quickly:

Children playing and laughing

They wake the next morning and don’t even remember what they did wrong or what upset them the previous day. They forgive quickly and don’t hold grudges. They are wired to say “next”.

7. Kids Love Their Imagination And Use It To Daydream:

Adults learn to steer away from their imagination as they grow older because they start to use it to imagine the worst. So, it scares them. It makes them feel uneasy and they retreat from using this amazing faculty. Compare this with kids who use it to think of the best ideas ever.

So, here’s a BIG idea. Hire more kids at heart. And remember that there is a difference between being child-like and being childish.

You want the former not the latter. Every organisation that is serious about innovation and business transformation has to have enthusiastic and imaginative people in their talent pool.

More importantly, they have to nurture and promote such talent to positions of influence and not just for transient amusement or the fake appearance of being a cool company. Your creative imagination is the most important human quality.

Just like the sense of taste or smell or touch, it is there for a very good evolutionary reason. It is there so you can imagine a compelling future.

Humans are the only ones in the animal kingdom to have this faculty. Why? So we can materialise what we visualise.

The problem is that this superpower did not come with a handbook. As children, we could tap into it at will but as adults, we do not understand it and know how to use it.

Why Do People Disengage at Work?

Two people working at a desk

Two people working at a desk at work

By Sam Makhoul

“A staggering 87% of people worldwide are disengaged at work.” (Gallup Poll)

Many organisations are experiencing a crisis and aren’t even aware of it. There is one truth that the poll leaves out…

Almost all people start a job with enthusiasm and excitement but end up on a path to disengagement. Work then becomes a chore and extracts the health and happiness out of them.

This is tragic because work consumes at least 70% of our waking hours.

Why Does Disengagement Happen?

Is It Because People Dislike Working?

On the contrary, we are all born with an innate desire to express ourselves by working and creating value, no matter the job. Work fulfils us, gives us purpose, builds confidence, makes us feel valued and this improves our health – physically, mentally and emotionally.

Is It Because The Workplace Is Not Good?

Not likely. Working conditions over the past two decades have improved to comfortable levels never before experienced in human history. The workplace is healthier and more comfortable than ever before. And companies are looking after their people better than ever before.

So, What Is The Real Reason Why So Many People Are Disengaged At Work? 

A business with disengaged workers

It has nothing to do with the job but everything to do with the person in the job. The sad truth is that people fail to take personal responsibility for their own engagement at work.

People’s framework for living is fundamentally broken and this leads to dysfunction in their personal life, which, over time, leads to disengagement at work.

In other words, people spoil their own engagement at work. Here’s why:

Human nature is such that people can grow to dislike and disengage from anything (even something they love and enjoy) if they neglect their health and wellbeing. Western society is locked into a pattern of perpetual obsession with one part of life to the exclusion of other parts.

Early in adulthood we focus on education and neglect our health. Then we focus on the new lover and neglect our family and friends. Then we focus on our career and neglect our lover.

Then we focus on our finances and neglect our family. Then our health suffers, our energy dips and we start to disengage at work. This intense focus on one part of our life to the exclusion of others is what leads to disengagement in all parts of our life at any given time in our life cycle.

Why is this bad? There is a symbiotic relationship between all parts of a person’s life.

Neglect one and chances are you will start to fail in the others. Think about it…

  • How can you perform at work if you are arguing with your partner at home?
  • How can you perform at work if your children are out of control?
  • How can you perform at work if you are not sleeping properly because of poor nutrition, lack of exercise, lack of sunshine and lack of social fun?

“If a person’s personal life is broken, so too will their work life.”

In their publication Firms Of Endearment, Wharton Business School discovered that companies who put purpose before profit ended up making the most profit. They outperformed the S & P 500 by a ratio of nine to one over a period of 10 years.

What that study did not show or track is the health, wellbeing and engagement of the people that worked for these firms.

  • How many of those people were still employed after 10 years?
  • How many suffered from physical illness, broken relationships and mental health issues as a result of disengagement or burnout?

“There is an inadvertent and unintentional ‘burn and churn’ of people in most companies.”

What Can Companies Do To Help?

Four women from work sitting around a table talking

The answer lies not in the workplace but at home. The answer lies not in the hands of companies; it lies in the hands of the individual that works in the company.

The answer lies not in a notion of work and life balance. That concept is as outdated as the fax machine – the answer lies in knowing how to live a complete life.

Businesses make the mistake of thinking that health and wellness perks in the office makes for a well and engaged individual; things like yoga and meditation classes, sleep pods, wellness seminars and massage. The reality is that such perks merely contribute to a pleasant and comfortable work environment.

They do not fix the underlying cause of disengagement because they do not teach people a framework for living a complete life without neglecting any of its vital parts; like nutrition, exercise, sleep, socialising, love and intimacy, family and parenting, continuous learning and emotional wellbeing.

Would You Continue To Serve Alcohol To Somebody Who Is Clearly Drunk?

Companies can help by teaching their people a framework for living. Every business has processes and systems for working but never think about teaching their people systems for a living.

And for very good reason. It’s personal. It’s awkward. It’s overstepping the mark. Or is it?

Government and business need to appreciate that the scope of OH&S needs to be broadened. There should be, and no doubt will be in the future, an obligation on business to ensure that people are not neglecting their health and personal life.

This is no different to prohibiting the service of alcohol to a person that is clearly not drinking responsibly. Is it ethical for a company to keep serving up unsustainable workloads to their people, only to sit back and watch them burnout?

Some may argue that employees have a choice to say no. And in fact, some employees may request an extra workload and should have the freedom to do so.

Right? Wrong.

Again, we return to the analogy of the drunk at the bar. Has that person lost their choice to be served more?

A better analogy is perhaps found on the football field where a person suffers a head concussion. They plead with their coach to stay on the field, but the coach and trainers make the decision to pull them off.

Should a business have that same right to send their people off the field? This may open up so many arguments on so many levels and ultimately lead to an assessment of weighing-up risk, social responsibility and a business’s right to profitability.

Smart companies, however, should see it as an opportunity. Over the long term, healthy and happy people who live a complete and holistic life are more energetic, more creative, more confident and highly engaged at work.

Six Little-Known Hacks To Work Better & Live Longer

Three people working together

Team working together

By Sam Makhoul

Just like meditation, bio-hacking is the new tool used by high achievers to boost their performance to incredible levels. Here are six I (Sam Makhoul) use religiously to help me do amazing things. 

1. Always Exercise Before You Eat:

Moving before eating cranks up your metabolism – even five to 10 minutes. It doesn’t matter where you are.

I have even done stretches, squats and push-ups on a plane. Embarrassing? Maybe, but no more than getting old and incapacitated.

2. Move As Much As You Can:

Man moving his body during work hours

Make sure you move at least every 30 minutes. Standing is better than sitting but still bad for you.

Moving is the best thing you can do for your health. Research shows that moving regularly throughout the day is more effective than doing a workout at the end of the day.

Go for walks, do push-ups, squats or stretches for two minutes every 30 minutes. Only two minutes! And at the end of the day, do a four-minute Tabata training when you get home.

3. Stop Eating Three Hours Before Bed And Fast For 12-16 Hours Overnight:

Eat your biggest meal when the sun is strongest. If you have to eat late, then eat light.

A handful of nuts or seeds and low sugar fruit such as papaya or blueberries. Going to sleep with a full stomach is the quickest way to age and wake up tired.

4. Don’t Eat When You Are Stressed:

Team mates eating lunch at work

Breath. Meditate. Whatever it takes. You are not what you eat. You are what you absorb.

And you cannot absorb nutrients when you are in a state of fight or flight. Any food ingested during this time becomes toxic for the body, no matter how healthy it is.

5. Get Scientific About Food:

Biotech testing is now accessible to everyone. I did three tests. Hair mineral analysis. Blood test. And a gut microbiome test.

This helped me be more specific about what foods to avoid for my genetic type. Once I avoided these foods, I experienced an energy explosion within seven days. 

6. Get Scientific About Sleep:

I discovered my chrono-type and optimised my sleeping patterns. We are all different.

Not just when it comes to diet and exercise but also when it comes to sleep. We have unique chrono-types that is genetically wired into us from birth. When you sleep according to your type you will wake up feeling fresh and mentally alert. 

Become the CEO of your own brand

Lady holding a cup

Lady holding a cup

By Sam Makhoul

Your personal brand is what makes you unique and instantly recognisable, it’s a fact that people with a positive brand are more successful. Here are five tips to develop an inspirational brand.

1. Be Ridiculously Good At What You Do:

Most people talk about how good they are but the ones who let their work do the talking develop the best personal brand. Associate with people with a strong work ethic.

2. Live By Your Personal Values And Never Compromise Them:

Some values include:

  • Honesty
  • Humility
  • Humour
  • Patience
  • Generosity
  • Kindness
  • Fairness
  • Respect
  • Reliability

Let your words and actions reflect these values. It’s easier to live by your values if you hang out with people who share them.

3. Wear Clothes That Are True To Your Personal Style:

If you’re sporty by nature – dress that way, if you’re posh – dress classy, people will start to associate you with that style. The aim is to be comfortable with who you are. Nobody likes a fake; which means ignoring trends.

4. Keep Learning And Keep Developing Your Brand:

Every night I go home to be with Deepak Chopra, Steve Jobs, C S Lewis, Jim Rohn, Martin Seligman, Daniel Pink, Sir Ken Robinson, Anthony Robbins, Stephen Covey. I have read all of their books and each has shaped my personal brand in one way or another.

5. Be Original:

Oscar Wilde once said “be yourself. Everyone else is taken.” One of the great tragedies of life is that we are born into this genius, this originality, this authenticity, and yet the world beats it out of us.

Our parents and teachers, well-intentioned, say, “be like everyone else, talk like everyone else, think like everyone else, don’t be a disrupter.” As we grow through life there’s this resignation into mediocrity.

My advice to you is to find your hidden talents, not the talents of the person in the workstation next to you. Walk your talk, live your values and ask yourself, “how can I return to originality?”

The Power Of Facing East

Sign facing east

Sign facing and reading east

By Mark Bunn

Which direction does your office desk face? What about your bed?

Do you think your work performance or sleep can be affected by whether you are facing north, south, east or west? Recent brain research has shown how facing different directions critically affects our brain’s ability to sustain integrated cognitive functioning and maximum mental performance (keys to business success).

That’s right. Based on the principles of correct building orientation as outlined in many traditional Eastern sciences, principally ancient Vedic science (where it’s known as ‘Vastu Shastra’), studies on peak brain function have shown that the firing patterns of neurons in the thalamus – which regulates sensory information and levels of awareness – are significantly different depending on which direction we face.

Basically, cells in our nervous system detect and respond to changes in body position. Look in one direction and a specific set of neurons activate.

Look in another direction and a different set activate. So, what is the best direction for optimal brain performance and work success?

EAST. That’s right.

Compass facing east

From the research findings, it is strongly indicated that facing east is by far the best direction for peak work performance and all-round mind-body integration. The next best is north.

The early studies suggest facing east for more creative thinking and north for more clear thinking. South and west are considered unfavourable and should be avoided where possible.

The direction we face is not only important at our desk but also when conducting business meetings, negotiations, making presentations and the like. So, if you’re selling something and are perfectly clear on your pitch, you may prefer your audience faces east, so they more clearly see the benefits.

If you’re presenting at a meeting, is it more important that you present the information clearly, or that your audience can assimilate the information better? If practical (it isn’t always), you may vary the direction you and others face to suit.

So What Does The Future of Workplaces Look Like?

workspace facing east

Look out for …

  • Workers struggling with concentration, focus, decision-making or similar, changing their work station or desk orientation to face east (or north if east is not practical).
  • Companies restructuring office spaces to have workers facing east or north.
  • Entire new workplaces being built according to ancient sciences of the correct orientation.
  • New office blocks and buildings being built to face true east and only have east or north-facing entrances. (Ever wondered why many of the great structures of Egypt, Asia etc. face specific cardinal directions?)
  • Re-orientation of meeting rooms, boardrooms and seminar rooms etc. to enhance effective communication and outcomes.

Sleep Troubles?

Man sleeping in bed

According to Maharishi Vedic science – a modern-day restoration of ancient Vedic science, our head direction also significantly impacts the type and quality of our sleep. If you don’t sleep well see if your head while sleeping points north or west.

Both of these are considered inauspicious or unfavourable. Sleeping with one’s head pointing towards the east, (the feet towards the west) is known to promote more enlightened (wakeful) sleep. For promoting deeper sleep, it is suggested one has their head to the south (feet to the north).

This article was written by Mark Bunn, a faculty member of A Higher Branch Success Academy. He is the bestselling author of ‘Ancient Wisdom for Modern Health’ and one of the most caring people on the planet.

What People Really Want From Work

By Sam Makhoul

Last year, I  gave a talk at the Workplace Wellness Summit where I stunned the crowd of senior execs and wellness consultants, with the statement that “wellness programs in the workplace do more harm than good”. They ostracise some, distract others and most see it as a cynical attempt by their boss to keep them longer at work.

Ultimately work is for performance, growth, fulfilment, challenge and PROFIT. We should not be afraid to call it like it is.

Business is about PROFIT. And businesses start wellness programs because they have been sold the idea that this will somehow boost productivity and profit. Nothing is further from the truth.

I have employed over 5000 people in my 28 years in business and I have learned that people ultimately want TWO MAIN THINGS from work. And if you give them these two things, you will make their PERSONAL life a lot better and yes they will perform much better at work.

Before I tell you what these two things are, I want to also list what people EXPECT from their job:
  1. Meaning they want to feel like they are making a contribution
  2. Growth – they want to be challenged to learn new skills
  3. Belonging – they want to be aligned with a culture that is not toxic
  4. Security – they want to know that loyalty will be reciprocated

Now To The First Thing That People Really Want:

$$$ MORE MONEY $$$

Business leaders think I am raving mad when I tell them that paying their staff more money makes them ‘well’ and productive at work. But it’s the solid truth.

It’s one of two factors that make for the best wellness program on the planet. Okay, I get it, if you pay people higher salaries you are going to go broke.

HR cost is the biggest item on your expenses column. And yes you will go broke if you pay ridiculously higher salaries, especially to under-performing people. BUT…

Why Is Paying People More Money, Good For Their Well-being?

Simply because financial hardship is the biggest stress on households and relationships. The biggest cause of arguments and emotional turmoil comes from financial problems. Eliminate this stress and you boost happiness and productivity for the next day at work.

Can’t Afford To Pay People More?

You need to look at your business model and your margins. Are you not charging enough? Or are you spending too much on your supplies? Or are you not investing in automation?

Ultimately this last question is where the game of business is won and lost in the 21st century. If you are operationally efficient, you will improve your margins and take the pressure off you and your staff.

There are many businesses who have to work their staff long hours to stay competitive simply because they have too many inefficiencies. And they are too scared to invest in automation because of the short term cost and the ROI takes time.

You need to be patient. Good business is a long game. Bad business is short-sighted. And working your people long hours is downright wrong!

Watch My Talk On Is Wellness More Important Than Intelligence:

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The Power of WHEN

By Sam Makhoul

WHY ignites motivation.
WHAT clarifies outcomes.
HOW is the process.
WHEN is your point of difference!

There is no doubt that we should all start at WHY. WHY sparks the motivation for change that shapes your beliefs and defines your identity, which is critical for behavioural change.

But in my opinion, if you do not get the WHEN right, the WHY along with your motivation will disappear behind a sea of inevitable setbacks, energy dips, failures, rejections, hurts and disappointments. Timing is everything.

If you get your timing wrong you are more likely to fail or get rejected; whether it is the time of day you wake, eat, sleep, exercise, work, and even initiate sex with your partner. Timing is critical.

You may think you are not good at something, when in fact you just did it at the wrong time of day that is not aligned with your optimal chrono-type. Munich University pioneered the research into discovering your chrono-type with a simple quiz but if you really think about it, you would know intuitively whether you are a morning person or a night owl. 

The research shows that approximately 30% of people are ‘morning’ types, 30% are ‘night owls’ and 40% are in-between. Most modern work schedules favour the morning types.

I know some people who have gone into business for themselves purely so they can be in control of when they eat, sleep and work. Others have asked their boss if they can work different hours that favour their chrono-type.

If you don’t have the privilege of either, don’t despair. Read on….

8 Tips To Get Your Timing Right?

Using the Higher Branch framework, consider how you can get your timing right in the following eight areas of life. These tips can make a huge difference to your energy, motivation and performance.


There are three branches to your physical health. Nutrition, sleep and movement (exercise).

Sleep is by far the most important factor for your cognitive performance, emotional happiness, immunity and longevity. If you are a night owl, going to bed early may cause you to slip into self-induced insomnia as you lie awake trying to get to sleep before you are ready.

You start developing a negative association with your bed and it’s a spiral into anxiety from there that causes more insomnia. If your optimal time to go to bed is 11 pm and wake at 7 am then stick to that and be true to your chrono-type.

If you prefer to sleep at 9 pm and wake at 5 am then go with that. When it comes to eating, typically morning people can’t survive without breakfast, while night owls prefer to snack at night and fast till midday the next day.

Some can have one or two meals per day, others are primed for grazing throughout the day. For some, exercise first thing boosts their energy level, for others midday or late afternoon is the best time.

Don’t try and be something you are not. You need to listen to your body.

And if you cannot figure out what your body is telling you then maybe it is time to have an Ayurvedic or a genetic consultation with a peak performance coach. We recommend Mark Bunn, Alessandra Edwards and Anthia Koullouros. 

Love And Intimacy:

Couples can sometimes think they have relationships problems simply because they have their timing all wrong. For example, if you try to initiate sex with your partner late at night and they are a morning person, then you are setting yourself up for rejection.

So, it is important to get your timing right. How do you do that?

Start with sleep. In a previous article The Sex/Sleep Connection I talked about how important sleep is to a relationship.


If you are a morning person, then the best time to spend with your children is in the morning. Driving them to school is a great way to do that.

Otherwise, I know some parents who wake early and go jogging or swimming with their children. If they are too young, then a playground is an awesome way to start the day.

If you are a night person, then flip that around and do those things later in the day. Pick them up from school. Read to them at night.

Play board games. Please don’t watch TV or have any screen time at night with your children.

Artificial light at night will mess up their sleep and yours whether you are a morning person or a night person. More on the importance of your circadian rhythm in the next article.


If you are a morning person you need to do your most important work in the first 90 minutes after you start work. Why only 90 mins?

Research shows that after 90 minutes, your attention span and focus deteriorate, and you need a 15 min break outside in the sunlight to reset. Why the first 90 mins?

For a morning person, the first 90 minutes at work is the most productive. This should never be spent checking email!

Or in meetings, unless the meeting is for brainstorming or decision making. The converse is true for a night person. You need to ease into the day and do your best work later in the day when your brain comes alive.


Socialising is a critical element to our wellbeing. In fact, all the research shows that the longest living humans in the blue zones of the world all have very strong social networks that keep them happy and mentally sharp.

Friendships help us have fun and bring laughter to our life. BUT only when you socialise at the right time.

If you are a night person then going out at night to the footy or a bar or restaurant brings the best out of you. You will be a lot more fun and energetic.

If you are a morning person, then perhaps you should avoid going out at night and choose a morning cycle and coffee or a long lunch on weekends. Timing can be the difference between being perceived as fun or boring.


At A Higher Branch, we consider learning to be an essential element for growth. Our whole mission is built around sharing actionable knowledge with our community. 

Learning is not just about attending seminars about your subject-matter expertise. But more importantly about your personal life.

Your health, how to be a better partner, friend or parent and all the eight areas of life. And learning is no different from working.

You should read, listen or watch when you are most alert. Again, this leads back to whether you identify yourself as a morning person, a night person or an in-between.

The best ways to learn on the fly is during your daily commute. Some call it ‘Traffic University’. By far the most effective exponential way to learn is face-to-face at seminars and events with other like-minded people.


Your appetite for risk varies according to the time of day. If you are a morning person, then the worst time for you to make investment decisions is later in the day when you are more emotional and prone to impulsiveness.

The converse is true for night owls. The morning is the worst time to make an investment or business decisions.


Helping others, whether it is the new person at work or a friend that needs someone to listen to is best when you are emotionally solid. Otherwise, you are going to come across as insincere or nonchalant.

It is amazing how your chrono-type can influence the way you help others. I know the timing for helping others may be difficult but if you do have the choice, always choose the time of day when you are most empathetic and patient.

Listening requires both. I hope you enjoyed this article. It is shared with care and the utmost of respect for your time.

In the next article, we will be discussing the most important success factor for just about every component of your life. SLEEP. The absolute latest research reveals some stunning truths about the importance of sleep and the TWO lifestyle changes that will take away all the anxiety that can sometimes be associated with sleep.

12 Tips for Mental Toughness & Emotional Resilience

By Sam Makhoul

Make no mistake, this year is going to be tough for business. This will put many people in a fear mindset.

Your ability to compete will no longer be about how much you know and not even how fit and healthy you are. It will depend on your mental and emotional resilience.

These two elements to your wellbeing are far more important to your work performance and life success. The following tips will keep you in the right state of mind and emotions:

  1. You become who you drink coffee with. Associate only with positive, focused people who will not drain your valuable energy with complaining and uninspiring attitudes.
  2. Start every morning with 10 mins of visualisation meditation, 10mins of ‘minimum effective dose’ exercise and 10 mins of priming and journaling. Don’t know how? Email the team for further info: enquiries@ahigherbranch.com
  3. Start a ‘hero file’. Any time you receive a written compliment, a card, a great report, an award etc… file it away in an accessible location, like an app called Evernote. Refer to this hero file whenever you experience a setback or rejection and you find yourself indulging in negative self-talk.
  4. Use the power of negative thinking. When things are going bad, sit, close your eyes and imagine how much worse life can get. Now open your eyes and thank your lucky stars for what you do have. Most mental health issues come from focusing on what you do NOT have instead of what you do have.
  5. Have a laugh before bedtime. You will have a better-quality sleep and help you wake with a great attitude. Also, make an effort to be humorous throughout the day. Not only is it good for your mental health but it diffuses tension in difficult circumstances and creates an excellent atmosphere wherever you are. As a consequence, people will be drawn to you.
  6. Stay Away from Food that Makes you angry. Food impacts your mood in a profound way. People talk about the gut-brain connection (i.e. thoughts and cognitive performance) but the truth is that foods bigger impact is on your emotions (feelings). Here is a list of foods.
  7. Get more sleep, more sunshine and have more fun socialising. Those three life-hacks are scientifically proven to be more effective than any drug.
  8. Work for Love Not Money. Stay on purpose, not on outcome. In other words, do the task because it is what you love to do or because it will help someone. Don’t do it for the money or the recognition. Those will come naturally. This is the way of the world.
  9. Slowdown. Science emphatically shows that doing things with speed damages your mental health by increasing your stress levels. Read here tips for slowing down.
  10. Learn to Forgive Quickly. You will never have peace of mind nor taste success and wealth if you are hanging on to grudges and regrets. Learn how to practice forgiveness.
  11. Keep a photo on your desk or phone and look at it throughout the day. It could be a photo of your partner, your children or a picture of your next holiday destination.
  12. Other happiness tips: smile on waking, walk tall, breath deeper, smell flowers, hug your family, call your friends, listen to music, sing in the shower, pack a picnic, walk barefoot, visit a farm, ride a bike, spend less, save more, love unconditionally.
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